Monday, September 15, 2014

My Niece's 2nd Birthday Party!


My niece's 2nd birthday party!
 Over the weekend I went to visit my sister, her husband, my niece, and nephew.   It was my niece's 2nd birthday party, and we had a celebration with family and friends.  We love to spend time together sharing  stories, laughs, taking pictures, and playing games.  It is a tradition to sing happy birthday, make a wish, and blow out the candles.  We also play games like, hit the pinata, open presents, and receive goody bags.   She looked so cute in her birthday outfit, and we had so much fun.  I love spending time with my family, and creating wonderful memories.                                                        

My niece, the birthday girl.


1. Niece (noun)- A daughter of my sister.

2. Nephew (noun)- A son of my sister.

3. weekend (noun)- A period of time from Friday evening to Monday morning.

4. celebration (noun)- To have a party, a happy time.

5. tradition (noun)- The handing down of a belief or custom.

6. birthday (noun)- The anniversary of the day a person is born.

7. pinata (noun)- A paper figure filled with candy.

8. presents (noun)- A gift.

9. goody bags (noun)- Bags filled with toys and candy.

10. memories (noun)- Keeping a mental picture forever.

*Draw a line from the vocabulary word to its matching definition.

- celebration                                                  - A period of time from Friday evening to Monday morning.
-memories                                                     -A paper figure filled with candy.

-Niece                                                         -The anniversary of the day a person is born.

- tradition                                                       -A daughter of my sister

-goody bags                                                   -Keeping a mental picture forever

- weekend                                                      -Bags filled with toys and candy.

-presents                                                        -The handing down of a belief or custom.

-birthday                                                        -A gift.

-Nephew                                                         -A son of my sister.

-pinata                                                            -To have a party, a happy time.

Grammar point

Compound words are when two independent words are pushed together to make a new independent word.  Cup+cake=cupcake, rain=coat=raincoat, spider=man=spiderman.  Look in the reading passage for any compound words and underline them.  List all the compound words you can find the same way I did.  Word+word=compound word.   Use each compound word in a complete sentence.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your niece recently turning 2! Birthday parties are always fun and exciting. I bet she had such a great day and you as well. Your vocabulary is great, and I think that students would really benefit from them. Your exercise is well executed as well. Great Job!
